Over 36 years of experience, you do not achieve that by just talking the talking, you must walk the walk and provide great communication and service.  Our long tenure validates this, or we would not be here since 1983.


Our Values:

    We value all customers big and small as evidenced by the wide array of clients.

    We value our employees- As a responsible employer we offer health insurance and cover 75% of our employees’ premiums.  This is not just for the employee, spouses and families are covered as well.

    Tech has a 401K plan for its employees, in addition we offer a Safe Harbor feature where the company matches 3% of eligible employees’ salaries to the 401K.

    We offer dental coverage to employees at no cost.

    We have programs where employees can purchase short term disability and excess insurances should they desire.

    Tech is environmentally conscious.  To name a few areas, we recycle, use Eco Lighting and look to cut out paper and waste anywhere we can.

    We conduct Holiday Gift Drives, and Share Food Pantry Drives throughout the year to help our community.

    Tech contributes to a multitude of nonprofit organizations that have worthy causes for those in need, throughout the year- Veterans, Various Health Organizations, Boys and Girls Club, and Rotary are just a few.

    We invite Santa in and have our employees bring their kids in for gifts, treats, crafts and games.

    We treat our customers and employees with the utmost respect, we treat them how we want to be treated.  Everyone counts!

